Gràcia Neighborhood

Gràcia Neighborhood, 1 genuine gem!

Unforgettable is the best word to describe the Barrio de Gràcia, as monumental as La Sagrada Familia, as breathtaking as the Casa Mila (La Pedrera), as cultural as the Palau de la Musica Catalana, as full of life as the Barcelona city itself, all this and much more you can find in this part of the city.

History of Gràcia Neighborhood 

To begin this journey through history let’s start by saying that the Gràcia neighborhood began to develop in the eighteenth century. In the year 1626, on the lands of a patrician from outside the Barcelona city, the convent of the Discalced Carmelites was founded. The novices of the Carmelites convent of Sant Josep were transferred there. With time, numerous messiahs settled there, giving life to the place. 

The road of Gracia, which is how the “camí” (royal road) was named, was filled with scattered buildings. Little by little it grew as a neighborhood outside the walls of Barcelona. Space to grow, something that Gràcia had plenty of and that Barcelona city lacked. Sometime later, the unexpected period of the land developments began, which transformed the farmland into houses, streets, and squares. 

Gràcia Neighborhood area:

These ordinations caused many people to make this town their home. Factories were also installed, of different types, but mainly textile ones. In 1859 Barcelona city collapsed and the Eixample project of Ildefons Cerdà was taken on. On April 21, 1897 Gràcia as well as Sant Martí de Provençals, Sants, Horta, Sant Gervasi de Cassoles and Las Corts, were added to the Barcelona area. From that moment on, the history of Gràcia and Barcelona became one. 

Gràcia Neighborhood in Barcelona

Another town, another city, another country, another world, another universe, these are the sensations you get when you enter the Barrio de Gràcia. Its bohemian, multicultural atmosphere and own personality, have called the artistic instinct of many great artists, and these have exploited all their art in this beautiful neighborhood creating a selection of galleries, live music, and artistic boutiques of great quality and last but not least: the Graffities! Beautiful and bustling squares are the soul of the nightlife, where the youth and their elders live and hang out like real families.

The main street is Carrer de Verdi, where you can find restaurants of all kinds perfect to fit your budget and a cinema that shows new and classic films of all genres in their original version, a perfect place for all cinephiles to go.

So far, with everything we’ve talked about the Barrio de Gràcia, I’m almost sure you already have it on your list of places to visit, but if you still have doubts, I present the jewel of Gràcia, Park Güell, where the impressive architecture of the famous architect Antoni Gaudí are waiting for you to be discovered and if this seems little to you, you can also appreciate an unforgettable view of Barcelona, very close to this park is Gaudi Experience, an attraction recently released to commemorate the genius who is commonly called the creator of the Barcelona city. 

The plazas in Gràcia Neighborhood

The Plaza de la Vila de Gràcia, the Plaza de la Revolución, the Plaza del Raspa, the plaza del Diamante, the Plaza del Sol and the Plaza de la Virreina. They are a great part of the soul of Gracia, if you do not visit the squares, then you will never know the real atmosphere of this neighborhood of narrow streets and little vehicular movement. Everything is crowded with small businesses, where you can even find things you can’t even imagine, the local business is the real driving force of Gràcia. 

Fiesta Mayor de Gràcia Neighborhood

If there is one thing you can’t miss is the popular festivals. The “Fiesta Mayor de Gràcia” is the most famous. Every year, in August, for a whole week the streets are filled with music and joy. The people who live there take care of beautifying the main streets by decorating them with all kinds of garlands, lamps, and colors, and concerts, dances, and popular dinners, and any kind of festivities abound during that week full of life.

Now I am sure that when you can, you will visit this magical and beautiful place. Visiting this town is the best way to get out of reality. 

See you in my next post


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